Effective July 31, 2024, resources on RTA will be transitioning to CDC.gov and the MMRIA SharePoint Site. RTA will no longer be responding to technical assistant requests nor updating state profile pages as of May 15, 2024. Please contact ERASEMM@cdc.gov if you have any questions.

Creating Meaningful Visualizations: A Virtual Learning Series for MMRIA Users

In partnership with the CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), Excella developed a virtual learning series on Creating Meaningful Data Visualizations for MMRIA users.

The curriculum is designed to provide a self-paced learning experience teaching fundamental principles of data visualization design through the lens of a MMRIA data analyst or user. The course guides viewers through a hands-on learning experience centered on how to develop static charts, graphs, and illustrations with sample MMRIA data and use cases for illustrative audiences.

  • Modules 1-6 are anchored by an instructional video teaching core concepts of data visualization design using sample MMRIA data.
  • Modules 2-4 also include hands-on practice examples using Excel, PowerPoint, and a web-based data visualization tool, Sankeymatic. These hands-on components allow viewers to practice putting the principles into action using a familiar data set.

If viewers are interested in the accompanying workbooks and resources for additional data visualization activities, please email mmriasupport@cdc.gov to request access. 

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Module 2 - Chart Selection and Formatting

Module 2.1 Demonstration: Basic Bar Charts

Module 3 - Visualizing Quantitative Data

Module 3.1 Demonstration: Paneled Bar Chart

Module 3.2 Demonstration: Dumbbell Dot Plot

Module 4 - Frameworks

Module 4.3 Demonstration: Developing a Sankey Plot

Module 4.1 Demonstration: Icon Matrix

Module 4.2 Demonstration: Frameworks - Journey Map

Module 5 - Addressing Common Challenges

Module 6 - Resources, Tools & Further Learning