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Massachusetts Legislation M.G.L. c. 111, section 24A and 24B (1997)

There is a long history of reviewing maternal deaths in Massachusetts which began as a systematic effort in 1941 when the Committee on Maternal Welfare of the Massachusetts Medical Society initiated case reviews of maternal deaths with the goal of improving maternal health. Since 1997, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has convened the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee (MMMRC) to review maternal deaths, study the incidence of pregnancy complications, and make recommendations to improve maternal outcomes and eliminate preventable maternal death. The work of the MMMRC, protected under M.G.L. c. 111, section 24A and 24B, assures the confidentiality of all records and proceedings. Part B is available in the following location: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXVI/Chapter111/Section24B
Year of publication and/or last update:
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Resource Type Tags:
State Authorizing Legislation
Role Tags:
Committee Chair